sreda, 16. december 2009

And I find it kind of funny. I find it kind of sad..*


Ker je v Ljubljani sneg in je sneg v Mariboru. So letos tudi lučke, je kuhano vino. In spet ni božičnega vzdušja.
Morda se moram samo dobro naspati in ko se bom zbudila, bo nov sneg in bodo moje prve stopinje na pločniku. Lučke bodo svetleje žarele in videla jih bom, ko bom spet navsezgodaj hodila ob Ljubljanici. Bom pela nove božične pesmi in cimet bo spet dišal. Snežilo bo, jaz pa bom začutila tisto pristno veselje, kot nekdaj.
In bodo iste novoletne obljube- o pozabljanju in o drugje in drugače. Pa ne bodo. Tudi, če se bom naspala, ne bodo.
Letošnja zima je pač drugačna. In nisem še čisto prepričana, če mi je všeč.

With Love
Forever Yours

torek, 8. december 2009

the start of something beautiful*

Always in my thoughts you are
Always in my dreams you are
I got your voice on tape
I got your spirit in a photograph
Always out of reach you are

Cold inside my arms you are
Simple like a child you are
I remember when you took my hand and led me through the rain
Down inside my soul you are

The more I show the way
I feel the less I find you give a damn
The more I get to know the less find that I understand
Innocent, the time we spent, forgot to mention we're good friends
You thought it was the start of something beautiful?
Well think again.

Mother lost her looks for you
Father never wanted you
I trust to love and then I find you never really felt the same
There's something in your heart so cruel